About Us
RIT's Zombie Survival Game
Humans vs. Zombies is a twist on Zombie Tag where Zombies attempt to tag Humans to grow the Zombie team. Unlike regular Zombie Tag, in HvZ, Humans get to defend themselves using Nerf blasters or balled-up socks to "stun" zombies, making them unable to tag temporarily.
Do you have what it takes to survive a Zombie Apocalypse? Or will you join the horde and ensure nobody escapes?
Our Events
Each semester, we run events of many different sizes:
- Weeklongs: 6 days of HvZ played 24/7 outdoors across the entire RIT school campus
- Invitationals: A whole day of HvZ where people from other schools are also invited to join us
- Minigames: 1-2 hour games played on a single field regularly throughout the semester
- And More! You might also find us at RIT events like Orientation, Brick City Weekend, and SpringFest!
Where Can I Join?
Our 2025 Spring Weeklong game is March 23-28! All players must attend one full in-person registration session in order to play. By attending a registration session, you will learn the rules of the game, purchase your player bandana, and activate your account on our website. The bandana is $5, and you can reuse it in all of our future events.
Spring 2025 Weeklong Registration Dates
- 3/17 Monday, 8-10pm - SHD-3350
- 3/18 Tuesday, 8-10pm - SHD-3350
- 3/20 Thursday, 8-10pm - SHD-3350
- 3/21 Friday, 8-10pm: GOL-1400
- 3/22 Saturday, 2-4pm - GOL-1400
- 3/23 Sunday, 5-7pm - GOL-1400
- 3/24 Monday, 5-7pm: WAL-3520 (Late session: attendees will start as Zombies)
- 3/25 Tuesday, 5-7pm: WAL-3520 (Late session: attendees will start as Zombies)
Get Connected
All club and event announcements are posted to the discord server in the #announcements channel with opt-in notification roles. If you're interested in our club events, make sure to join so you never miss a beat!
Report an Incident
If there is an injury or some other medical emergency, please dial 911 or contact the RIT Ambulance for help. Time is crucial, and waiting for the EBoard to intervene costs precious time.
If you have witnessed or experienced a negative incident related to HvZ, please report it to us via our report page. We take incidents very seriously, and do not tolerate dangerous behavior or harassment of any kind.
About the Website
This website was created by Chance Henderson and Jake Zaia. The source code is available on github under the MIT license.
Some icons used for badges are provided by Flaticon: Software development icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
I Found a Bug! What do I do?
You found a WHAT!? If you find a bug, please let the Web Chair or anyone else on the admin team know as soon as possible. If you report a bug to us and don't use it to break anything we may even give you a snazzy bug-bounty badge as a reward.
This website and the games run with it are dedicated to the memory of Liam Mattingly, our late club president and friend. Liam loved sharing his passion for this hobby with the world, and worked to make the Humans Versus Zombies hobby as accessible and welcoming a place as possible. We hope to continue that legacy.